
Discord Bot

BetaHub enhances project management by assigning a dedicated Discord bot for each project. This bot is capable of:

  • Collecting bug reports from users by using the /report command.
  • Automatically capturing bug reports, including screenshots, video clips, and log files based on the conversation.
  • Broadcasting announcements of new releases.
  • Facilitating interactions with your community regarding their previously reported bugs.
  • Asking the user for additional information about a bug report (by using Ask For… buttons on the bug report page).

Our bots can proactively engage with users through direct messages, threads, seeking further details about a bug, requesting screenshots, videos, or log files. This process can be manually triggered by the developer or automated through our AI.

Bug reports from users can either be intentional, via a command, or automatic, identified by our AI through conversation analysis.

Automatic Bug Report

Step-by-Step Setup Guide

To deploy a Discord bot for your project, execute the following:

  1. Go to BetaHub.
  2. Choose your project.
  3. Select ‘Settings / Discord Bot’ from the left-hand menu.
  4. Verify your setup using /info command. Check the help using /help command.

You will be guided through a three-step process to configure your bot for the selected project. Complete these steps to get your bot operational swiftly.

Required Permissions

The bot requires the following permissions to function correctly:

  • View Channels - To browse your channels list to identify the bug report channel.
  • Send Messages - To post bug reports and other messages.
  • Send Messages in Threads - To create threads for bug reports.
  • Create Public Threads - To create public threads for bug reports.
  • Create Private Threads - To create private threads for bug reports.
  • Embed Links - To embed links in messages to provide visual information to the bug reporters.
  • Attach Files - To attach screenshots to new releases announcements.
  • Mention Everyone - To notify everyone about new releases.

If you’re just inviting the bot, the invite link provided in the bot setup will automatically grant the bot the necessary permissions. If you’re setting up the bot manually, or if you have it already on your server for quite a while, make sure to grant the bot the required permissions.


By default, the bot will react to /report command from any channel. This will trigger the bot to pop up a dialog box for the user to fill in the bug report details. The bot will then post the bug report in the designated bug report channel.

Make sure that your discord users have the permissions to execute slash commands. You can test it by typing / in the chat and see if the bot responds with a list of commands.

Bug Reporting

There are serveral ways to report a bug:

  1. Using the /report command.
  2. By mentioning the bot and providing a bug report in the same message.
  3. By using the AI to identify the bug report in the conversation.
  4. By pressing the Report a Bug button that can be pinned to the channel.
With the /report Command
Bug report dialog

The /report command will trigger a dialog box for the user to fill in the bug report details. The bot will then post the bug report in the designated bug report channel.

Listen Mode

  • Default: Disabled
  • Command: /set listen_mode true|false

When enabled, the bot will listen for bug reports in selected channels. The bot will still respond to the /report command, but it will also listen for messages using Claude’s AI to identify bug reports.

To select the list of channels, please execute /set bugs_channel true in the desired channels.

It’s highly recommended to enable the Slow Mode on channels with bugs. This will encourage the users to provide a more detailed bug report, and attach any necessary files into a single message, which will render the bug report more readable for the bot itself.

Thread Mode

  • Default: Disabled
  • Command: /set thread_mode true|false|public|private

When enabled, the bot will create a new thread for each bug report. This will allow users to upload additional files and communicate with the bot without cluttering the main channel. Any notifications or messages from the bot will be sent directly to the user’s thread, if these are related to a specific bug report.

By default, the thread mode will be creating private threads and attach them to the first channel identified as a bug reported channel or set up using /set bugs_channel true. To change threads from private to public, use /set thread_mode public. Check /info to verify the current thread mode settings.

The Releases Channel

  • Default: Disabled
  • Command: /set releases_channel true

When enabled, the bot will post new releases announcements in the selected channel. The bot will notify everyone about the new release and attach the release notes to the message. You can create a new release from your BetaHub project’s page. Editing any release will automatically update the message in the Discord channel as well.

The Welcome Channel

  • Default: Disabled
  • Command: /set welcome_channel true

When enabled, the bot will send a welcome message to the selected channel. The message will contain a link to the project’s page on BetaHub.

AI-Driven Bug Submissions

How the AI Operates

Upon submission, the AI scrutinizes the bug report, assigning it a relevant subject and priority. It tags the report appropriately and searches for similar existing reports within the project. If a match is found, the new report is marked as a duplicate, raising the original report’s Heat value. This mechanism ensures testers don’t feel disheartened by repetitive reports, while developers gain a clearer picture of the bug’s prevalence.

Customizing AI Settings

Tailor your project’s bug submission verification in the ‘Settings / General’ section. Choose the Bug Description Validation Level:

  • AI Check - The AI evaluates the report and alerts the user if the description is invalid or incomplete.
  • Minimum Character Limit - Ensures the description is at least 50 characters long.
  • No Check - Omits the validation process.

Multimedia Submission and Annotation

Users can attach and mark up multimedia files within their bug reports, providing developers with a clear depiction of the issues. This interactive feature allows users to convey bugs more precisely.

Supported Formats

  • Screenshots - PNG, JPG, JPEG
  • Videos - MP4, MOV, WEBM, AVI, FLV, WMV, MKV, MPG, MPEG, M4V, 3GP, 3G2
  • Log files - TXT, LOG

Sentiment Analysis

BetaHub’s AI employs sentiment analysis to gauge your Discord’s community mood. This feature is particularly useful for identifying potential issues before they escalate. The AI will notify you if it detects a negative sentiment, allowing you to address the situation promptly.

Enabling Sentiment Analysis

To activate sentiment analysis, you must invite BetaHub Discord Bot to your server. Then, use the /info command and press the Configure Sentiments Channels button. Select the channels you wish to monitor, and the bot will begin analyzing the sentiment of the messages within those channels.

Sentiments Dashboard

You can access the sentiment analysis dashboard from the BetaHub project page by finding the Sentiments navigation item on the left-side menu. The dashboard displays the sentiment analysis results for the selected (all by default) channels, allowing you to monitor the community’s mood.

The sentiment dashboard consists of the following elements:

  • Rating: The most recent sentiments rating from 0 to 5. The higher the rating, the more positive the sentiment.
  • Records: The number of records analyzed in the selected period. The more records, the more accurate the sentiment analysis.
  • Frequency: The frequency of reports per day.
  • Categories: The sentiment categories, including:
    • Excited
    • Positive
    • Neutral
    • Negative
    • Frustrated
    • Toxic
  • Top Words: The most frequently used words in the selected period. The words are color-coded based on their sentiment category. The number in the parentheses indicates the word’s frequency.
  • Trend Chart: The detailed sentiment trend chart for the selected period. The chart displays the sentiment rating and the number of records analyzed per day.

Filtering and Navigation

You can filter the sentiment analysis results by date range, sentiment category, channels and words.

  • Filtering by Date: Select the date range to analyze the sentiment for the specified period.
  • Filtering by Channel: Choose the channels to analyze the sentiment. You can select multiple channels. Selecting none will analyze all channels.
  • Filtering by Words: You can click on the words in the Top Words section to filter the sentiment analysis results by the selected word.
  • Filtering by Category: Click on the sentiment category on the Categories bar chart to filter the sentiment analysis results by the selected category.

Troubleshooting Sentiments

The bot is not responding to commands

Ensure the bot has the necessary permissions to execute slash commands and if you finished the setup procedure correctly.

I don’t see the sentiment analysis results

Make sure your bot is configured to receive sentiments by using the /info command and pressing the Configure Sentiments Channels button. The sentiment dashboard refreshes every 5-10 minutes, so you might need to wait a bit.

Still need help?

If you’re experiencing issues with sentiment analysis, please join our Discord server and ask for help in the #support channel.